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Privacy Policy

Your Privacy, it's important...

Banksglobaltransport.com is the official website of Banks Global Transport, Inc. ( BGT ) The statements below embody BGT's privacy and data protection policy.

  1. When you utilize the various forms at www.banksglobaltransport.com, personal information is collected. The specific details that are collected are your name, address, email address and other relevant information concerning your vehicle shipment. When you visit our site, we also collect web site usage information, information about your computer and internet connection, including your computer's IP address, the type and version of your browser and the operating system you use, your internet domain and, if you arrived at the BGT website via a link from another website, the URL of the linking page.

    The above information will be used to :

    • Fulfil orders
    • Notify you of relevant new services offered by BGT and additional features introduced in the website from time to time
    • Personalize the content and advertising you will see based on your personal characteristics and preferences
    • Notify you of commercially relevant information about BGT, and in relation to the shipping industry
    • Ensure, as far as is practical, that our site is compatible with browsers and operating systems used by most visitors
    • Improve our understanding of our customer needs
    • Build marketing profiles
    • Aid strategic development
    • Manage our relationship with advertisers
    • Conduct in-house research without revealing personal facts about individual customer
  2. BGT has taken steps to ensure that high standards of data protection are adhered to for all forms of processing outlined in point 1 above.

  3. Due to changes in legislation and best practice or enhancements to functionality and content on this website we may make further changes to our privacy policy and will reflect the same in this statement. You should therefore check this Privacy Policy from time to time.

  4. BGT has appropriate measures in place to ensure that user's personal details are not misused, accidentally destroyed, lost or altered within the BGT server environment.

  5. Occasions may arise when customer information is passed outside the BGT Group to other data processors (i.e. fulfilment bureaus, database consultants and like entities) but they will only act upon instructions from BGT in order to perform the services required.

  6. You are aware that the Internet is a global environment, hence using the Internet to collect and process personal data necessarily involves the transmission of data on a global basis. By browsing this website and communicating electronically with BGT, you acknowledge and agree to our processing of personal data in this way.

  7. It is important to BGT that we have your correct contact information so that you do not miss out on further correspondence or experience problems with the delivery of your cargo as offered on this website.

  8. Third party partners of this website and other websites you may access via www.banksglobaltransport.com have different privacy policies and are not subject to the statements enumerated above. It is recommended that you read the privacy policy of each such website to find out how they protect your personal information.

  9. While BGT makes every possible commercially reasonable effort in ensuring data protection of user information, it does not accept responsibility for any information lost to or gained by third parties through hacking, implanting viruses and other tools to which this website, like any other, may be vulnerable to, despite all the reasonable precautions that BGT has undertaken for the protection of user information.